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American Board of Pediatrics Pass Rates Revealed!

Woman jumping in joy, symbolizing the excitement and happiness after achieving success on the pediatric boards exams.Why 2012’s Pediatric Board Exam Results Were AMAZING!

Predicting the trend of the American Board of Pediatrics pass rates is tough. So, let me start by saying that I’M A LITTLE SHOCKED THAT I DID IT! In the Pediatrics Board Review article titled “Could the Pediatric Boards Pass Rate be 100% this Year?”, I discussed the possibility of having a dramatically improved overall pass rate for first-time test takers.

 Why? Two main reasons…

  1. In 2012, the American Board of Pediatrics changed how they score pediatricians on the boards!
  2. In 2012, the American Board of Pediatrics FINALLY switched from the old “scantron” or “fill in the bubble” test to a computerized system. Click Here And Continue Reading…