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Dr. Vincenzo Finally Passed the Pediatric Boards!

Person resting head on a desk out of exhaustion, representing the struggle of studying for the pediatric boards.Being the author of the PBR and interacting with so many pediatricians is really a blessing, but it also comes some heartache. I tend to have much more interaction with pediatricians that have failed the initial certification exam prior to finding PBR. Responding to all of those emails can be tiring, and often it’s just downright depressing. People share their struggles with me openly, and it’s impossible not to get emotional and involved. I continue to do it for PBR members, though, because based on the results people have had, I know I can help.

BUT, along with the feelings of sadness associated with being PBR’s author, there are also those amazing and often surprising moments that make it all worth it. For example, after failing the peds initial board certification exam FOUR TIMES, Dr. Vincenzo decided to use PBR to study for the 2012 boards. On 12/11/2012 he heard some wonderful news, and when he shared it with me… It literally gave me goose bumps because it represents everything I want for pediatricians seeking board certification. “Efficiency In Studying So You Can Live Your Life.” 

Here’s what Dr. V had to say:


Just wanted to let you know that I finally passed the boards! I got a 190 on the exam. As you know, you need a 180 to pass. I have you and your incredible PBR to thank for it. All I can say is that I studied your core text and questions extensively.  I really did not even use PREP and used PBR exclusively. I read it numerous times, over and over. My book looked tattered after I was done with it!

I believe I over studied in the past, missing a lot of the little salient points. At first I thought your PBR was a little too easy of a read, but realized that it was packed with all those salient points I needed and what appeared in the exam.

Man drinking a glass of wine, celebrating passing the pediatric boards.I am having a glass of wine as I write this and realize that I can without the guilty feeling that I have to study! Again, I want to thank you for an incredible product and making me able to live and enjoy life!

What an incredible feeling that is!

I want to write a testimonial, one that will provide hope and show that studying one source (PBR) is all you need to pass. I was so used to having all the latest editions of review books around me while I studied. What a waste!

Anyway, I can now come home from work, have a great dinner, wine and turn in early if I wanted to because I can!

Thanks again, Ashish…  I owe it all to you.

You saved me another 2 grand! LOL!

– Dr. V”

Please take a minute to congratulate Dr. Vincenzo below. All you have to do is “Leave A Reply.”



Ashish Goyal, M.D.

Click Here to Leave a Comment Below 7 comments
Jackie Guinn -

Dr. V.

Congratulations! I just read your testimonial.


Ru -

Dear Dr. Vincenzo,

Congratulations on passing the boards! I am sure it was a difficult journey for you. I had been in the similar situation like you, I had failed my exam last year, even though I studies alot…. really a lot, from various sources. But could not recollect the important points and didn’t clear it last year. So this year I did Ashish’s book- and like you did it 4-5 times again and again, until i was able to recollect most of it. And yes when I was giving the exam, all answers were in my mind, it felt that many questions came directly from the PBR. I am so happy for you Dr. V….life is so nice after clearing the exam, thanks to Ashish…

Dr. Ru

polly -

Congrats Dr V.
Inspired by your accomplishment. On my first review of PBR….

polly -

Dr. Guinn

Thanks for sharing the information about PBR. On my first review. Just signed up for Coach Peggy. Await your return from KC and feedback.


Dr. A. Vincenzo -

Just want to thank all of you for your positive feedback. I am relieved that it is finally over! In retrospect, I wish I had more guidance in what I needed to study and focus on. You are all on the right track by studying the PBR and we are lucky to have found Ashish and his incredible review. I wish all of you the best of luck this year! Remember to take some time for yourself from studying, to clear your mind, to thank friends and family for support, and to not be too hard on yourself. We have a lifetime of challenges ahead of us and this is one hurdle that can be overcome.

eva -

i need to pass my boards, how can i attent coach peggy live courses

Ashish Goyal, M.D. -

Hey Eva,

Unfortunately the course is currently sold out for the 2013 academic year leading up to the 2013 American Board of Pediatrics initial certification boards. You CAN signup for the early notification list by clicking HERE:


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