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What Is An RSS Blog Feed? How Do I Get Instant PBR Updates?

RSS button icon for subscribing to instant updates from Pediatrics Board Review.

This is an RSS button

..If you love a website and the site happens to have an RSS feed, like this one, you can get instant access to any new posts. This does not mean you'll get spammed, or that you'll see every single comment that someone posts on the site. It simply means that when a new blog post is posted, you'll have access to it..Here's are two easy ways to get instant access to an RSS feed:.

  • EMAIL DELIVERY: Visit, type in the address of the feed (, type in your email address and then check your inbox to confirm you really want the feed. Once you confirm, you'll be shown two feeds that you can subscribe to. Choose ““. That's it! Blog Trottr is great because it's simple, automated, and lets you subscribe for free. If there's a new post, you'll get it! Love it!
  • GOOGLE READER: This is more complicated and requires you to go and check your feeds when you're bored. It's kind of like having access to an endless message board. You have to create a Google account to use this service. Login to your Google account and then visit Then click on SUBSCRIBE and type in the name of the website you are interested in adding to your Google Feed Reader. Or, if you have the RSS feed address (e.g., or, just type it in and hit SUBSCRIBE. That's it! You can then come back to your Google Reader account as often as you want to see what's new. I think this is great if you are going to be good about coming back to see what's new. For me, it kind of feels like I've created a stack of magazines and journal articles that “I'll get to eventually,” so it's not my preferred option.

Since I post new material almost every 1-2 weeks, I'd highly recommend using one of the above options to stay up to date with PBR. Hope that helps!.– Ashish

Ashish Goyal, M.D.